Cross Bayou Logo

Cross Bayou Community Great Banquet

Guest Application

Your Sponsor must have been on a Great Banquet, Walk to Emmaus, Cursillo, Tres Dias or similar event.


Relationship Status

Has the Great Banquet been explained to you, including post-Banquet follow-up?

List all allergies, special diets, physical disabilities, such as, hearing impaired or sight impaired if you need to be seated closer to the speaker, or any other pertinent information that my affect your attendance or well being at your Great Banquet weekend

Would you need assistance moving from building to building?

You MUST be able to attend the ENTIRE weekend. Sponsors should have already been on a Great Banquet, Walk to Emmaus, Cursillo, or Tres Dias experience.

Can you attend on short notice?

After submitting your completed application, notify your sponsor that it has been submitted.

Please Sign below and click the "Save" button SaveClear

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