Food Agape Sign-Up List

Thank you for your generosity!  Check out the list below to see what is still needed.  If you need to make a change later, you can always come back and do that.  You will receive a reminder email one week prior to the Great Banquet.  May the Lord richly bless you!

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Food Agape – Men’s Great Banquet #1

Date: March 13, 2025

Sign up below...

Communion Bread (6 loaves of Hawaiian Bread) - must be on site by 4 pm Thursday#1:
Communion Bread Gluten-Free(1 loaves of Hawaiian Bread) - must be on site by 4 pm Thursday#1:
Communion Juice (4 qts grape juice) - must be on site by 4 pm Thursday#1:
Banana Nut Bread (1 loaf)#1: Terry S.
Spice or other bread (1 loaf)#1: Bunny L.
Pound Cake#1:
Honey Bun Cake#1:
Angel Food Cake#1:
Bagels (1 bag)#1: PHYLLIS C.
Cookies (homemade - 2 dozen)#1: Terry S.
#3: Bunny L.
Gluten Free Cookies#1:
Brownies (homemade - 1 lg pan)#1: Terry S.
#2: Bunny L.
Homemade Fudge#1:
Dried Prunes (2 bags)#1:
Dried Apricots (2 bags)#1:
Other Dried Fruit (1 bag)#1:
Mixed Nuts (1 lg can)#1:
Other Nuts (1 lg can)#1:
Orange Juice Singles (36)#1:
Pineapple Juice (1 lg can)#1: PHYLLIS C.
Grapes - Green Seedless (2 lb. bag)#1: Nancy C.
#2: Nancy C.
Grapes - Purple Seedless (2 lb. bag)#1:
Bananas (Ripe - 1 bunch)#1: Nancy C.
Bananas (Medium Ripe - 1 bunch)#1:
Pears (small bag)#1:
Peaches (small bag)#1:
Watermelon (1 lg)#1:
Cantaloupe (2)#1:
Strawberries (2 qts)#1:
Lemons (1 bag)#1:
Baby Carrots (2 lb. bag)#1:
Cucumbers (3 lg)#1:
Broccoli (1 lg bunch)#1:
Cauliflower (1 head)#1:
Celery (4 lg stalks)#1:
Olives (small jar)#1:
Pickles (small jar)#1:
Cherry Tomatoes (1 pt)#1:
Chocolate Candy (1 lg bag)#1:
Other Candy (1 lg bag)#1:
Sugar Free Candy (1 lg bag)#1:
Mints (1 bag)#1:
Sugar Free Mints (1 bag)#1:
Gum (1 lg bag)#1:
Sugarless Gum (1 lg bag)#1:
Laffy Taffy (1 lg bag)#1:
Fritos (dippin size - 1 lg bag)#1:
Potato Chips (1 lg bag)#1:
Doritos (1 lg bag)#1:
Pretzels (1 lg bag)#1:
Baked or Lowfat Chips (1 lg bag)#1:
Ritz Crackers (1 box)#1:
Wheat Crackers (1 box)#1:
Gluten Free Crackers#1:
Triscuits (1 box)#1:
Other Crackers (1 box)#1:
Mild Cheddar Cheese (2 lbs)#1:
Colby Cheese (2 lbs)#1:
Onion Dip (1 pt.)#1:
Ranch Dip (2 pt.)#1:
Cream Cheese (Plain/Soft - 2)#1:
Cream Cheese (Flavored/Soft - 2)#1:
Peanut Butter (creamy - 1 jar)#1:
Pimento Cheese#1:
Coffee Cups#1:
Coffee Creamer#1:
Coffee (regular - 1 lg can)#1: N A.
Coffee (DeCaf - 1 sm can)#1: N A.
Coffee Filters (1 pkg)#1: N A.
Sugar (individual packets - 1 lg box)#1:
Sweet-N-Low (individual packets - 1 lg box)#1:
Tea Bags (1 box)#1: N A.