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Cross Bayou Community Great Banquet

Application for Team Service


Do you meet regularly in a reunion group?

Was this event with Cross Bayou Community?

Are you clergy?

Are you musically gifted?

Do you have any dietary needs?

Have you served as a member on a Cross Bayou Community Event?

If accepted to serve on the Cross Bayou Community team, I will commit to attending all the team training meetings and to be present for the enitre three-day weekend, including closing. I also agree, in the spirit of love and obedience, to follow the guidelines for team service as outlined in the Team Manual and as directed by the Cross Bayou Community Board through its representative and the Lay Directorof the weekend. I understand that I will be responsible to pay the fees for the weekend. (Scholarships may be available to help with team fees.)

I wish to apply for a scholarship


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