A Christian Community that loves Jesus Christ

From Shreveport, Louisiana and the surrounding areas, from all churches, all denominations

Our Walks are for all who want to unwrap the LOVE and GRACE Jesus has for you.

Upcoming Events

Members Information


You can now pay your Walk fees  AND make donations online!

Walk Application

You can now fill out an application online or download a pdf file, fill it out and mail it to the community registrar listed at the bottom of the application. (Online applications for flights are not available at this time.)  The fees for a walk or a flight can also be paid online. Applications and fees must be received no later than one week before a walk or flight.


Please note that if you are preparing agape for any walk, you will need to provide 82 pieces.  This will  provide a piece for the entire team and each pilgrim.

Please provide 48 pieces if your agape is to be word, and know that it will only be distributed to the pilgrims and table leaders.  Please NO special gifts for ONE person.

All sponsors need to do 82 pieces of agape!

Martin Hailey

Martin Hailey Memorial Scholarship Fund

As most of  you know, Martin Hailey, a faithful servant to God and to the Cross Bayou Community, passed away on July 17. While fighting his battle with an aggressive cancer, Martin attended every community gathering with a smile on his face. He was an inspiration to us all. In order to honor Martin’s commitment, the Martin Hailey Memorial Scholarship Fund has been established. This fund will be used to give financial aid to Pilgrims wanting to attend a Walk and/or Team members wanting to serve. You can donate to this fund by clicking on the link below.